Terms of Use

  • Acceptance of the Terms of Use

    When using appvr.org website (“the website”), you automatically accept the terms and conditions of use specified below. To stay informed of the latest modifications, you should periodically review the “Terms of Use”.

    Appvr.org has the right to change, adjust, add or remove the contents of the “Terms of Use” at any time. If you continue to use the website after such changes, it means you have accepted those changes.

  • Nature of the information displayed

    The content displayed on the website is intended to provide information about appvr.org, about product and service information that appvr.org is providing.

    Other related information to serve customers’ research needs is clearly stated as the source of supply.

  • Links to other websites

    The website provides a number of links to other websites or data sources. You are solely responsible for using these links. Appvr.org does not evaluate or verify the content, accuracy, or opinions expressed on these linked websites and data sources.

    Appvr.org disclaims any legal responsibility related to the accuracy, content, safety and display or concealment of information on websites and data sources above.

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    Appvr.org does not allow any internet service provider to “put the whole” or “embed” any element of this website on another page or use techniques that alter it. Default interface/display of the website without the consent of appvr.org.

  • Disclaimer

    When accessing this website, you automatically agree that appvr.org, other suppliers and affiliated partners, their employees do not bear any responsibility related to injury, loss, claim, direct or indirect damage due to unforeseen or consequential consequences of any kind arising from:

    Appvr.org disclaims responsibility or guarantees that the website will have no operating errors, be safe, uninterrupted or for the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information displayed.

    The information displayed on this website does not come with any guarantees or commitments from appvr.org regarding the suitability of the products and services that the customer has chosen:

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    The above conditions and limitations are only valid within the current legal framework.

  • Intellectual property rights

    This website and all content arranged and displayed are owned and are the exclusive property of appvr.org and other related suppliers.

    Any use or citation must not cause damage to appvr.org and must comply with the following conditions:

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    All content provided on this website may not be copied, displayed, published, disseminated, reported or circulated to anyone, in any form, including on independent websites, otherwise established without the consent of appvr.org.

  • Adjustments and Modifications

    Appvr.org reserves the right to change, modify or terminate the operation of this website at anytime.